Martin Tarenskeen <> writes:

> Why is this not working (Lilypond 2.16.2)
> \version "2.16.2"
> \relative c' {
>     \cadenzaOn
>     c4 d e f g
> }
> Processing `/home/m.tarenskeen/Dropbox/tmp/'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> warning: cannot find or create `Timing' called `'
> warning: cannot find or create `Timing' called `'
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Layout output to `'...
> Converting to `./Cadenzatest.pdf'...
> Success: compilation successfully completed
> Completed successfully in 0.6".
> I get a score, but not
> By trial and error I found this is working though:
> \version "2.16.2"
> \relative c' {
>     s4
>     \cadenzaOn
>     c4 d e f g
> }
> Apparently I can't start my music with a cadenzaOn ???

You need a Timing context first which usually is the same as Score but
not established before Score actually happens to be around.  So try
getting a Score context implicitly with \new Staff \relative ... or even
explicitly \new Score ... around your music.

David Kastrup

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