On 09/05/2013 10:44 PM, Karl Hammar wrote:

     c8 d e d c d c4
     g'2 fis
   } \\ {
     c2 c8. b16 c4
     e,2 r
   } \\ {
     e8 a b c d2
1, why is the snippet shown without the surronding \relative c'',
    it makes it confusing -- it starts in the wrong octave, doesn't it
If you click on the image you see the ly-file, and that in fact uses surrounding \relative c''. But it's assumed in the text.

2, the e,2 in the second voice is hidden by the d8 in the third voice
    isn't that a bug ?
(I think you mean the e8 in the third voice.) I don't think it is a bug, but it's contradictory to the text; as it says: "[...] beat 1 in bar 2, where the automatic merging fails.". The merging appears fine!

3, if I remove the \oneVoice the graphics becomes sane, why is the
    \oneVoice there ?

Yes, it is the \oneVoice that makes the merging happen, which was not supposed according to the text. My best explanation would be that \oneVoice makes the voice behave like it were a single voice instead of voice 3. And that do seem appropriate for the passage.


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