2013/9/8 Pierre Perol-Schneider <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com>:
> Dear List,
> I'm trying to propose a new snippet to the LSR :
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=886
> My problem comes from the image :
> 1. it looks a little rough
> 2. above edge is cutted
> 3. but, more important, it does not show what v2.17 or v.2.17 actually make.
> My question :
> Is there a way to modifiy the related image ?
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Image?id=886
> Cheers,
> Pierre
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Hi Pierre,

it's a known problem. :(

I'd place
\markup \vspace #2 %% LSR-problem-workaround
on top of your file.


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