Hello Kale:

On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 18:18 +0200, Christian Andersson wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Kale Good <k...@kalegood.com> wrote:
>         Can someone point me towards a place to get some good help
>         setting up a .vim file? I'm trying to edit the lilypond.vim to
>         do a few things different and having no luck.

Is your vim session in the correct directory?  That was an issue that I
had for a while.  I ended up adding:

nmap ,cd :lcd %:h<CR>

to my .vimrc so that when I type ,cd my vim session moves over to the
correct directory.

Now with that being said, I don't use <F6>.  I keep zathura or evince
open at all times watching the pdf that <F5> produces.  When vim is in
the same directory that the LilyPond produced pdf is located zathura or
evince automatically reload the new pdf after every interpretation.

In the spirit of sharing and perhaps improving vim functionality with
LilyPond files, I can share my LilyPond folding configuration, if you
might be interested.

I don't mean to be weird about this but what functionality does <F6>
have for you (asked purely out of curiosity)?

Ahhh...after testing this, I had to go
into /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/lilypond.vim

and change
map <buffer> <F6> :!gv --watch "%<.ps" &<Return>
map <buffer> <F6> :!evince "%<.pdf" &<Return>

I think that it needs to be changed in the files that LilyPond provides
not peruser vimrc.

Hope that helps.


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