On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 07:31:15AM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> I have not yet
> seen the trivial ugly correction for that yet

Hey, hey -- I resemble that remark!  Nice catch on using \skip,
though, instead of scaling s1 by the number of bars times the
time signature.

I should have included an elaboration in my previous post.  Try
the example using this definition of barLines:

barLines = {
        s1 * 1 * 3/4 % skip 1 measure of 3/4 time
        \repeat volta 2 {
                s1 * 1 * 3/4 % skip 1 measure of 3/4 time
                \bar ""      % then blank out the ensuing barline
                s1 * 1 * 3/4 % skip 1 measure of 3/4 time
        s1 * 1 * 3/4 % skip 1 measure of 3/4 time
        \bar "|."    % and set a final barline


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