On 1 oct. 2013, at 13:59, LaurenH <l.v.had...@sms.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

> I'm looking for a music writing program that will allow me to precisely
> control horizontal spacing for use in a psychology sight-reading study.
> Though I've found information on how to pad accidentals etc I was wondering
> if someone could help with a few more detailed horizontal spacing questions:
> (1) I need to be able to choose how wide a bar is (e.g. 3cm, or 1/8 the
> total page-width), and make each system's spacing the same. I'd need this
> width to be set regardless of what is in the bar. Is this possible? 
> (2) I additionally need to define the distances between notes (i.e. ratio of
> 2 for each doubled duration) and I need this to be completely unaffected by
> accidentals- i.e I want no padding around accidentals. Is this possible? 
> I'd really appreciate someone letting me know whether Lilypond would be an
> appropriate program to use for my study. Thanks, Lauren

LilyPond can probably do (2) via its proportional notation commands.  (1) is 
possible if you make the line skip at each bar.  Otherwise, you'd have to make 
changes to the C++ code used to compile the LilyPond executable.  The changes 
wouldn't be complicated but would require working knowledge of C++.

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