On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:04:06PM -0700, EdBeesley wrote:
> Hi again everyone, I'm making a title page and I'd like one line of text to
> overlap another line (see attached png). However nothing I've tried (\raise
> or \translate) will force the text above the previous line. This is the code
> I'm using at the moment:
> \bookpart {
>   \markup 
> { 
>         \fill-line 
>         { 
>                 \column 
>                 { 
>                         \raise #-8 
>                         \center-align 
>                         { 
>                                 \fontsize #13 "Geir Rafnsson" 
>                                 \hspace #1
>                                 \hspace #1 
>                                 \fontsize #16 \override #'(font-name .
> "Aniron") "??kjur" 
>                                 \hspace #1
>                                 \fontsize #7 "      (Extreme Measures)"
>                         } 
>                 } 
>         } 
> } 
> }

baseline-skip can go to zero, but has no effect beyond 0.  That
is, you can make them touch, but not overlap.

Negative \vspace is probably what you want:

\markup {
        \fill-line {
                \column \center-align {
                        \fontsize #13 "Geir Rafnsson"
                        \vspace #-1
                        \fontsize #7 "(Extreme Measures)"
                } % column
        } % fill-line
} % markup


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