Urs Liska <ul <at> openlilylib.org> writes:

>     Am 11.10.2013 10:22, schrieb Jan
>       Rosseel:
>     I don't know, but how do you want your solution to behave when you
>     use << some music>> in more than one staff?
>     Urs

Quite simply: I didn't care about that situation because I never have that
happening in the way I build a score. 

But to answer the question: if the music gets instantiated in multiple Staff
contexts, I will have multiple grobs and having the context ID would allow
me to figure out in what context the music was used, and would thus allow me
to direct my annotation to the right place. 

Thinking of it: the case you mentioned kind of destroys my alternative
solution I had in mind. So I really should find a way to attach that bit of
information to a grob during the engraving process. 

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