2013/10/16 Gilberto Agostinho <gilbertohasn...@gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> I am getting an error when trying to compile the following code:
> \version "2.17.28"
> {
>   \override Staff.Stem.stemlet-length = 0.75
>   \clef percussion
>    a,8->[ r8  c''8 r8 a,8 r8 c''8]
> }
> The compiler outputs the following message: Exited with return code
> -1073741819
> I think I kind of figured out what is happening here. Apparently, there is
> some conflict between the position of the rests and the stemlets I am trying
> to use. This is due to the fact that the gap between the notes in the code
> above allow knee beaming. If one adds the following line to the code it will
> work well:
> \override Beam.auto-knee-gap = ##f
> I also noted that in some similar cases LilyPond is able to lower the rests
> further down when dealing with the kneed beams, thus allowing enough space
> for the stemlets and so everything works well:
> \version "2.17.28"
> {
>   \override Staff.Stem.stemlet-length = 0.75
>   \clef percussion
>    a,8->[ r8  c''8 a,8]
> }
> {
>   \override Staff.Stem.stemlet-length = 0.75
>   \override Beam.auto-knee-gap = ##f
>   \clef percussion
>    a,8->[ r8  c''8 a,8]
> }
> But this clearly isn't the case on my first minimal example above. So well,
> though I already found the solution to my problem (I would not want to use
> kneed beams anyway), I though I should share this problem here in the
> mailing list, in case someone considers it to be a bug.
> Take care,
> Gilberto
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/compilation-error-when-using-stemlet-over-rests-tp152356.html
> Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Hi Gilbert,

clearly a bug. Please report.


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