On 10/20/2013 12:25 AM, Jay Anderson wrote:
On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Bric <b...@flight.us> wrote:
In 2005 someone asked this -

Can one generate/access a list of coordinates for each rendered note/chord
(per staff)?
Check out ly2video (https://github.com/aspiers/ly2video/). Especially
the 'dump-spacetime-info' function in ly2video.py. It's purpose is to
dump the horizontal position for aligning to audio, but I think a
similar function could work to pull out absolute positioning in x and

OK.  Checked it out.  So far: so close but so far!

I issue:

$ ./ly2video.py -i test.ly -o myvid.avi

It generates some png's, seeming to do fine with the visual part of it. (I see the resulting one-liner png files).

But it fails with the audio, it seems: When it tries to read the midi file that it apparently should have generated, it doesn't find it (cuz it wasn't generated! :-). It's looking for it in the tmp directory where the png's are, and stuff.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./ly2video.py", line 1907, in <module>
    status = main()
  File "./ly2video.py", line 1860, in main
  File "./ly2video.py", line 549, in getMidiEvents
    midiFile = midi.read_midifile(midiFileName)
  File "/data/builds/ly2video/midi/fileio.py", line 156, in read_midifile
    midifile = open(midifile)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/builds/ly2video/ly2video.tmp/sanitised.midi'


as far as the spacetime file you mentioned. Sure, it exists, but i don't know what to do with it. The file itself does not store the coordinates data, and i don't know how to run the scheme code inside, or if I should at all.


In other words, I see the file, but i don't see the coordinates data.


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