<lilypond <at> umpquanet.com> writes:

> Most times, placing a clef change before a bar line is
> appropriate.  When combined with repeated sections though,
> sometimes it is clearer to place a clef change after the bar
> line. 

I've read a couple of ways to get a clef after instead of before a bar line.
I had the same question, for a sax-orchestra score with percussion intro,
and I came to yet another solution, with less code. It may have other flaws
and I have only been working with lilypond for a couple of days now, but I'd
say it's simple enough to give it a try.

Below you'll find an excerpt with a bit of the context. The main point is
line 3 in sopranoSax with the " s \set Staff.forceClef = ##t " 
By using "s" you avoid defining and blending out a short-time bar, in fact
you change nothing in the time (4/4 in this case) at all.

In context:

\version "2.14.2"

clave = \drummode 
  {  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4  
    { \repeat volta 2 
      { \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross 
      \mark \markup \smaller \italic { \hspace #35.0 "intro rumba clave" }  
      cl4  r8 cl r4 r8 cl   r4 cl cl r   cl r8 cl r4 r8 cl   r4 cl cl r
      \revert NoteHead #'style  
sopranoSax = \notemode { 
     \relative c'' { 
     s \set Staff.forceClef = ##t      %forcing a clef to be inserted
     \key g \major  
    \time 4/4      %if you want the time to be repeated here
     a4 r2.

sopranoSaxPart = \new Staff { 
    \once \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = ##f      %no treble clef at the
    \clave \sopranoSax }

\score { 

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