Hi and thanks for the quick reply!

Sorry, I really totally missed the errors. That is, I initially scanned the
log for relevant errors but did (with the original file) not get or not see
the one error you mention; I did get and see "warning: ignoring too many
clashing note columns" instead, which I rather took as stating the obvious
result of what I assumed was a programming error on my behalf (putting some
command somewhere when it should be somewhere else). That's why I sort of
buried myself in finding something in the notational reference that showed
me how/where I should write instead. I have earlier read that the
\addlyrics is not meant for complex pieces, yet if it resides inside a
monophonic voice variable and works the first time around, who could
imagine that this per se is 'complex' and that it stops working the second

Anyway, I'll have a closer look at the example snippet you linked and also
at the \set associatedVoice command (since most of my pieces have one set
of lyrics at the beginning and several at the end of the piece; I did not
know of that command until today...).

Thanks again for your help!


2013/10/26 Robin Bannister <r...@dataway.ch>

> Annette Kusma wrote:
>>  Is this a bug or am I missing something?
> The example you supplied did not run without errors.
> You didn't mention these errors, so my impression is that you are missing
> the error reports contained in the log file.
> Lilypond specifically mentions having trouble with \addlyrics:
>>  warning: cannot find Voice `uniqueContext1'
> This does not help you directly but it shows that Lilypond agrees with you
> that something is wrong.
> A search for this warning might have led to the user archive thread
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/**html/lilypond-user/2007-08/**msg00070.html<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-08/msg00070.html>
> Here they are referring to the docs for version 2.10.
> The docs for version 2.12 warns about this limitation, just above the
> section "Working with lyrics and variables" in the Notation Reference
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/**Documentation/user/lilypond/**index#index<http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/index#index>
>   The command \addlyrics cannot handle polyphony settings.
> So \addlyrics may guess right if it is used once, e.g just in BasCTwo. But
> it is not meant for anything more complicated. This aspect is handled in
> more detail in the 2.14 docs. (N.B. later Lilypond versions have better
> docs!)
> For an idea how to organise things using \lyricsto instead see
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/**Item?id=362<http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=362>This
>  is for version 2.14 but it works for version 2.12 too.
> Cheers, Robin
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