I can't currently look into your examples. But one hint (because horizontal 
shifting has driven me nuts before): when two notes share the same notecolumn 
you can't shift them separately. So they must not have the same \voiceXXX.


Tom Cloyd <tomcloydm...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>I need help with this construction: \once \override NoteColumn 
>#'force-hshift = #{doesn't matter what you put here 'cause it rarely 
>works anyway}
>My ly code problem demo snippet is here: http://pastie.org/8433947
>After two hours of futility tonight, and a review of my previous go 
>around with this problem, I still can't figure this out. Never really 
>understood "the fix", although I did get it work, once.
>- the previous problem: 
>- the fix: 
>Am I the only one who ever needs to shift notes horizontally to clean
>a score? Seem hard to believe. But it doesn't work reliably, and the 
>documentation is minimal at best.
>In the code snippet, in the bass voice, measures 2, 3, & 4 there is no 
>column collision. Then suddenly in m. 5 - BAM. But it's fixable (and 
>fixed, in the code). An attempt to fix the collision by moving the alto
>voice in the same measure failed. Why?
>Measure 7 bass and alto voices won't budge, period. Am baffled by this.
>Beat 1 of measures 8, 9 have the same problem (as does much of my
>There appears to be NO other way to move notes out of vertical 
>collisions. With this barely working, what do people do?
>Thanks for any help!
>Tom Cloyd
>Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
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