\ah = \set shapeNoteStyles = #'#(doThin reThin miThin faThin sol laThin

Use \ah wherever you would use \aikenHeads.

In my documents, since I *only* use Aiken heads, I do this:

\layout {
   \context {
  shapeNoteStyles = #'#(doThin reThin miThin faThin sol laThin tiThin)

Thus, every voice uses them by default.

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Garrett McGilvray <
garrett.mcgilv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear users,
> There is a bug in the Mac version where the Re half-note in \aikenHeads
> renders as a quarter note in 2.16, and the problem just swaps for the whole
> note in 2.17. This has been reported to the bug list, but I'm wondering how
> to work around it in the mean time. Here is a minimal version of what I'm
> trying to fix:
> \version "2.16.2"
> \relative e' {
> \aikenHeads
> \key d \major
> < e a >2\fermata
> }
> On Mac Lilypond 2.16 that E comes out a quarter note. To override the note
> head, I'm thinking notehead.s0re is the one I want (from this 
> list<http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.17/Documentation/notation/the-feta-font>).
> I've been trying to sort it out myself, but is still new to me. I'm
> thinking of using \tweak #'glyph-name = , but I'm apparently not putting
> the string value in correctly. I was hoping to find out the proper format
> for a string from the 4.2.3 Types of 
> Properties<http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/learning/types-of-properties>
>  chart,
> but I don't see strings on that list. So maybe my problem is just not
> putting the string in correctly. I've done some hunting, and I think I
> found some examples that do it this way: #"string". Is that right?
> Any solution would be appreciated, whether a bit of code to automatically
> fix \aikenHeads 2nd interval half note in each instance, or whether just a
> \tweak that I can put in manually each time. So far, it's not but one or
> two instances in each piece, which I could manage without it being
> automatic. Any additional learning about entering string values in
> \override and \tweak would also be helpful.
> -Garrett
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