Am 2013-10-31 um 10:23 schrieb Tim McNamara <>:

> It may be necessary to install the new version of the developer software and 
> the associated command line tools in order for MacPorts to update correctly.  
> It may also be that the new OS broke something that has to be fixed.  

Yep, as was written, QT doesn’t compile; I didn’t look into the error yet, that 
GUI stuff is mostly too complicated for me anyway...

> I do still find myself using Marc's LilyEditor as it's quicker to launch (I 
> apparently can't assign .ly and .ily files to go to Frescobaldi when double 
> clicked, for some reason unknown to me, so when I have to do something quick 
> LilyEditor gets the file).

Then probably there’s something missing in the; I use my own, that 

        CFBundleDocumentTypes         = [
        {'CFBundleTypeExtensions': ['ly'],
         'CFBundleTypeName':'LilyPond File',

That sets Frescobaldi as editor for .ly files.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

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