This is a follow up to this thread:

I've just come across the same problem and I have a couple of questions:

1. lilypond, by default, doesn't show the glissando line between two
noteheads positioned on the same staff line, because the end points are at
the same height and the glissando thickness is not big enough to make it
visible. Is this the expected behaviour?

2. AFAIK I cannot control the glissando in Voice without affecting also the
glissando displayed in TabVoice. On the other hand, I can control glissando
in TabVoice without altering the one in Voice. There's a workaround? (no
tags please :-))


 \version "2.17.96"

music = \relative c' {

% "flat" glissando lines are visible on staff spaces

% they are not visible on staff lines, unless the thickness is increased

f4\glissando fis

g\glissando gis

 \override Glissando.thickness = #2

a\glissando ais

b\glissando bis

c\glissando cis

 % this override alters also TabVoice

\once \override Voice.Glissando.bound-details.left.Y = #.7

\once \override Voice.Glissando.bound-details.right.Y = #1.3

d\glissando dis


\score {

\new StaffGroup <<

\new Staff \music

\new TabStaff \music


\layout {

ragged-right = ##f

\context {


%\override Glissando.thickness = #2



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