2013/11/11 Gilberto Agostinho <gilbertohasn...@gmail.com>:
> I agree that she would not approve a solution that confuses with clef
> transposition, but above the clef of the top stave is not what LilyPond is
> doing, is it?
> Look at the solution that the Sibelius software uses:
> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/n153706/sibelius.png>

Do you realize that saying "sibelius is doing x" will make many
LilyPond devs think "let's make sure LilyPond doesn't do x, because
sibelius cannot possibly be right!"? ;-)

> IMO, there is no confusion between what is a bar number and what is a
> transposition. And its solution respects what 99% of all other scores and
> engravers do (at least, I could still not find a single example of
> LilyPond's style of bar numbering anywhere else).

Indeed, when done properly this style of numbering shouldn't be
confused with clef transposition.  However, i agree with what David
said in the other thread about LilyPond's barnumber positions being
easier to see; as i don't think that Lilypond's way of placing
barnumbers is wrong (i.e. it doesn't make scores difficult to read) i
would keep it that way even if everyone else do it differently.


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