On 11/12/13 11:06 AM, "Patrick Thomas" <pa...@pdpthomas.com> wrote:
>Many thanks for your reply.


Two housekeeping items:

1) There is a no top-posting rule on the lilypond mailing lists.  This
means that you shouldn't put your replies at the top of the email.
Instead, go through the email and place them close to the item to which
you are replying.

2) Please keep all the email correspondence on the list, rather than going
to private email.  That way the answers will be available and searchable.

>I have tried some of these suggestions but
>currently to no avail.

If you would show us what you've tried, it's much easier to help you
figure out what you are doing wrong.

>Attached is my .ly file and a PDF of the output. Could you be a little
>more specific about what I should put and where. I am a bit a newbie
>with Lilypond!

This file doesn't have any modifications to the vertical spacing code.  So
it's not going to change the vertical spacing.

>>On 11/12/13 8:46 AM, "Patrick Thomas" <pa...@pdpthomas.com> wrote:
>>> How can I increase the vertical spacing between lines of  chord names
>>> fret diagrams?

Incidentally, I thought that this was going to be an easy problem to
answer, but it wasn't as easy as I thought.  I had to refresh my (ancient)
memory of all of the spacing issues in LilyPond.  To get a good result
required playing with both the within-system spacing (in the layout block
via VerticalAxisGroup) and the between-system spacing (in the paper block
-- see section 4.1 of the NR).

Anyway, here's a revised file that changes the spacing.



Attachment: santae.ly
Description: santae.ly

Attachment: santae-rev.ly
Description: santae-rev.ly

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