On 11/12/2013 07:11 PM, JordanB. wrote:
I would appreciate any help in this matter:
I was able to download lilypond, and ran sh lilypond-2.16.2-OS-TYPE.sh in
the shell. The bin directory was created, and and the 12 shell script files
(lilypond, lilypond-wrapper, etc.). That's it, however. How do I run
lilypond from this point? Am I missing something obvious? I'm kind of a
newbie to linux, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was.
On Linux, you can run lilypond from a terminal (shell). To verify that
lilypond was installed, you just enter "lilypond -v" without the quotes.
The result should be confirmation that the program was findable by
linux. You can then compile your lilypond source files by entering, e.g.
lilypond foo.ly, which would process a lilypond file named foo and
produce a .PDF of the result. Much more comfortable to those coming from
more gui-centric systems, would be to install a package such as
Frescobaldi (my lilypond editor of choice) or one of the others
mentioned on our website, under "Easier Editing". These editors can call
lilypond for you, without you needing a terminal shell. The rest of the
website, particularly the Learning Manual, will greatly repay the time
spent in reviewing and working through examples, as well
Finally, welcome to the LilyPond community! When all else fails, feel
free to come back here with the smallest example which shows a problem,
and we'll see what we can do with it.
A good juggler can always find work.
- attributed to L. Pacioli (1445 - 1517)
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