Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmillan <at>> writes:

> Given the snippet below, what do I need to do to have RehearsalMark and 
MetronomeMark grobs sit on the same
> plane (“as expected")?

> In the Do The Right Thing™ Department, I would think Lilypond should 
automatically slide the [first]
> MetronomeMark slightly to the right, allowing it to sit on the same 
baseline as the RehearsalMark.

Xavier asked for the same behavior when he was reviewing the addition
of \markLenghtOn.

Your input tells LilyPond to align both MetronomeMark and RehearsalMark
over the time-signature, if there is one.  
Specifying this uses the break-alignable-interface, which is rather
flexible, but does not have a way to specify which of the marks should
move right if they both want to align at the same point.

(By default, the RehearsalMark goes just right of the Clef, which happens
to leave room for MetronomeMark to fit in-line.)

You could use David Nalesnik's  \offset #'X-offset ... command to move
whichever mark, whenever you have a tempo mark, rehearsal mark, 
and time-signature all at the same time.

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