On 2013-12-02 18:11, Jason Yust wrote:
There seems to be an error in the manual (perhaps a hold over from older
version). I'm getting two problems on section 4.3.1 and elsewhere. This kind
of notation:

\override BarLine.stencil = ##f

gives me an error. I need to use

\override BarLine #'stencil = ##f

instead, but a number of the examples use the dot. Also, the "\omit"
function is not recognized by my versions (was using version 12.4, but
updating to the most recent stable version has the same problem).

Looks like you are viewing version 2.17.x version of the manual and using 2.16.x version of Lilypond.

if you look at the url you will see the version, e.g.


So, always use the same version in the program and the manual.

// Anders
English isn't my first language.
So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
Please correct my English so that I may become better.

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