"Phil Burfitt" <phil.burf...@talktalk.net> writes:

> From: "Renato" <renn...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 4:49 PM
>> I mean, lilypond is text-editor + command-line by design
> Of course, but what it the point of invoking a command prompt that
> _doesn't work_ when clicking on the lilypond icon (the view from a
> windows machine), and popping-up lilypad which will possibly confuse
> the user who has just downloaded a program called lilypond?
>>you don't really get around these programs without reading docs
>>(and you shouldn't try to make it easy).
> I disagree with "you shouldn't try to make it easy".

Yup.  The whole point with Lilypad was to make the first steps easier.

> Wouldn't it be far better after installing lilypond, to present the
> user with a cut down tutorial and usage instructions in a read-me
> file, and two desktop icons/shortcuts...one for this read-me file, and
> the other for invoking lilypond without arguments, which would then
> throw out a usage message?

Well, I have no idea.  I don't use "user-friendly" operating systems.

David Kastrup

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