On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Phil Burfitt <phil.burf...@talktalk.net>
> wrote:
> > I also think lilypond's website is terrible. It looks like something out
> of the eighties knocked up on a dos machine. By comparison, take a look at
> the home pages of musescore, finale and sibelius.
> All things considered, I'd rather focus Lilypond's meager resources to
> software that creates beautifully engraved sheet music.  The printed output
> of Lilypond is vastly superior (and more readable by musicians) than
> MuseScore, Finale or Sibelius.  I'm always amazed at how crappy Finale
> output looks, in particular.
> If you think that Lilypond's web page needs a facelift, then volunteer to
> roll up your sleeves and help change it by writing text blocks, creating
> better HTML, creating better graphics, etc.  There is no well-funded
> corporation behind Lilypond, just a bunch of dedicated and amazingly
> talented volunteer programmers.

Where do I sign up and what do I need to know about the way the current
site works? I cannot write a single line of C++, my Scheme skills are
meager at best (limited mostly to taking existing code and tweaking
parameters), and I've only looked into MetaFont enough to send a patch to
Janek to review to refine the shape note parameters to deal with unsightly
MI and SO noteheads. (speaking of which, Janek... :) ). But I can do web

Carl P.
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