> Tim and Werner, I would love to, and have considered a few times in
> the past.  Unfortunately I do not have the time, have no experience
> of texinfo, and would probably have to ditch it within the coming
> year due to future plans anyway.

It's not so much about texinfo but...

> I don't know how the current system is setup, but I don't see the
> need for "nifty HTML".  A separation of content and presentation,
> with clean, simple, hand coded (s)html pages (as noted by
> others...html authoring tools clutter the code - usually with info
> needed by the authoring tool itself).  Extensive use of divs, the
> usual webpage furniture where needed (menus, crumblines, buttons,
> etc), a few graphics, style sheets, and little else.  Definitely no
> client-side scripting, and content for dynamic pages (and static
> pages if you want) provided by server-side includes.  It seems
> child's play to me, but David's comments leave me wondering how
> entangled the current setup may be.

... but someone who is an experienced web page designer and/or
JavaScript programmer/user.  The separation between content and
presentation is already there due to the very nature of texinfo.

As a starter, it would help us a lot if such a person analyzes, say,
the top-level lilypond web page, giving recommendations how to
improve, ideally in small, logical steps.  A complete redesign
starting from scratch is *much* harder to implement, I believe.


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