I have created this function to drop a staff from a \score { } block:

DropMusic =
     (parser location arg1)

This will be useful in Denemo to allow the user to create a staff that
is not typeset, but needs to be present for other purposes (such as
creating the BeamExceptions that David mentioned).

I imagine this is a function without a purpose for most users but I
mention it here for three reasons
      * Perhaps it already exists under a different name, or is not the
        best syntax, or doesn't do exactly what I think it does.
      * Perhaps it does have other uses: conditionally dropping
        passages ...
      * and because I am inordinately proud of having managed to create
        it. A tribute, in fact, to the quality of LilyPond's
        documentation. A very fine line to draw between saying too much
        (and losing people's attention) and saying too little.


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