Hanno wrote
> I'm looking for a way to include the key in my title,
> because currently I write this manually into the subtitle-field
> and keep forgetting to change this after transposing.

Hi Hanno,  Unfortunately I don't know of a way to do this.  It seems that
the title is processed before any key engravers are called, so there is no
way to access what key you've set in the music when the title is generated.  

I think your best option is to figure out how to remember to change the key
indication manually. 

Below is a revision of my code so that it just assembles the key name as a
string and assigns it to the variable "key-name" (and prints this to the log
so you can see that that part works). The key in the title has already been
generated so it is not changed.  (I also cleaned the code up a bit, using
case instead of cond, getting rid of set!, etc.).


\version "2.17.95"

% a variable to hold the key text
key-name = "Key Text"

#(define Custom_key_engraver
     ((key-signature-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
      (let* ((grob-name (lambda (x) (assq-ref (ly:grob-property x 'meta)
             (context (ly:translator-context engraver))
             (tonic-pitch (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
             (tonic-num (ly:pitch-notename tonic-pitch))
             (acc-list (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration-alist))
             (acc-type (if (null? acc-list) 0 (cdr (list-ref acc-list 0))))
             (acc-count (length acc-list))
             (maj-num (case acc-type
                        ;; no sharps or flats
                        ((0) 0)
                        ;; sharp keys
                        ((1/2) (case acc-count
                                 ((1) 4)
                                 ((2) 1)
                                 ((3) 5)
                                 ((4) 2)
                                 ((5) 6)
                                 ((6) 3)
                                 ((7) 0)))
                        ;; flat keys
                        ((-1/2) (case acc-count
                                  ((1) 3)
                                  ((2) 6)
                                  ((3) 2)
                                  ((4) 5)
                                  ((5) 1)
                                  ((6) 4)
                                  ((7) 0)))))
             (mode-num (modulo (- tonic-num maj-num) 7))
             (key-letter (case tonic-num
                           ((0) "C " )
                           ((1) "D " )
                           ((2) "E " )
                           ((3) "F " )
                           ((4) "G " )
                           ((5) "A " )
                           ((6) "B " )))
             (tonic-acc (if (pair? (assq tonic-num acc-list))
                            (if (= acc-type 0.5) "Sharp " "Flat ")
             (key-mode (case mode-num
                         ((0) "Major")
                         ((1) "Dorian")
                         ((2) "Phrygian")
                         ((3) "Lydian")
                         ((4) "Mixolydian")
                         ((5) "Minor")
                         ((6) "Locrian")))
             (full-key-text (string-append key-letter tonic-acc key-mode)))

        ;; display the key in the log
        ;; (display full-key-text)(newline)
        (set! key-name full-key-text)
        (display key-name)(newline))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \Custom_key_engraver

\new Staff \relative c'' {

  \key c \major
  \key a \minor
  \key a \major
  \key fis \minor
  \key ees \major
  \key c \minor
  \key c \dorian
  \key c \phrygian
  \key c \lydian
  \key c \mixolydian
  \key c \locrian

\header {
  title = #(string-append "Title Text, " key-name)

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