Hi Kieren,

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > I don't have time to work this out at the moment
> Fair enough!

I do have time for a simple demo, which just involves changing a variable
definition and adding a argument for text.  Awful, but you see it's doable.

> > but possibly you could adapt an analysis bracket.  Or for another hacky
> solution, you could mess with a MeasureCounter stencil, like I did here
> Thanks — I’ll make an attempt.
> > Maybe what you're wanting should get its own grob?
> Maybe! As it turns out, there are other issues involved, e.g., one
> [likely] only wants this to appear on the top staff of a system (or,
> perhaps, on whatever staves other “score-level” markings appear, e.g.,
> MetronomeMark, etc.). A separate grob might allow for more flexibility in
> that regard.

Yes, and you wouldn't kill the MeasureCounter for use with a separate grob.
 And there ought to be the option of stretching it over multiple measures.
 Possibly I can work something up over my break between semesters.  I'm
thoroughly embarrassed by the raggedy undigested code attached.

> I’m playing around with a test case, to see if I can get it close to the
> goal line — I’ll repost when I’m within sight of it.


\version "2.17.25"

\header {
  snippet-title = "Bracket repeats"
  snippet-author = "David Nalesnik"
  snippet-description = \markup {
    \wordwrap {
      This snippet is a workaround which creates a representation
      for repeats which consists of a bracket above a measure.  The
      number of repeats is expressed by a number centered within
      the bracket and formatted as "2x".  This is not a true
      solution as it creates an arbitrary stencil which does not
      convey a repeat structure understood by LilyPond.  Currently,
      the workaround will not accomodate repeats lasting more than
      a single bar and measures split across lines.
  tags = "repeats, scheme"
  status = "unfinished"


% The following procedure is a modification of the function
% `measure-counter-stencil' found in the file
% `scm/music-functions.scm' in the LilyPond distribution.

#(define (test-stencil grob text)
   (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
          (siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)) ; have we been split?
          (bounds (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object grob 'columns)))
          (refp (ly:grob-system grob))
          ;; we use the first and/or last NonMusicalPaperColumn grob(s) of
          ;; a system in the event that a MeasureCounter spanner is broken
          (all-cols (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object refp 'columns)))
            (lambda (col) (eq? #t (ly:grob-property col 'non-musical)))
           (if (or (null? siblings) ; spanner is unbroken
                   (eq? grob (car siblings))) ; or the first piece
               (car bounds)
               (car all-cols)))
           (if (or (null? siblings)
                   (eq? grob (car (reverse siblings))))
               (car (reverse bounds))
               (car (reverse all-cols))))
          (elts-L (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object left-bound 'elements)))
          (elts-R (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object right-bound 'elements)))
            (lambda (elt) (grob::has-interface elt 'break-alignment-interface))
            (lambda (elt) (grob::has-interface elt 'break-alignment-interface))
          (break-alignment-L-ext (ly:grob-extent (car break-alignment-L) refp X))
          (break-alignment-R-ext (ly:grob-extent (car break-alignment-R) refp X))
           (markup text))
           (if (or (null? siblings)
                   (eq? grob (car siblings)))
               (make-parenthesize-markup num)))
          (num (grob-interpret-markup grob num))
          (num-stil-ext-X (ly:stencil-extent num X))
          (num-stil-ext-Y (ly:stencil-extent num Y))
          (num (ly:stencil-aligned-to num X (ly:grob-property grob 'self-alignment-X)))
            (+ (interval-length break-alignment-L-ext)
              (* 0.5
                (- (car break-alignment-R-ext)
                  (cdr break-alignment-L-ext))))
            0.1 ; line-thickness
            `((moveto 0.5 ,(* 0.5 (interval-length num-stil-ext-Y)))
              (lineto ,(* 0.5
                         (- (car break-alignment-R-ext)
                           (cdr break-alignment-L-ext)
                           (interval-length num-stil-ext-X)))
                ,(* 0.5 (interval-length num-stil-ext-Y)))
              (rlineto 0.0 -1.0))))
            `((moveto ,(* 0.5
                         (- (car break-alignment-R-ext)
                           (cdr break-alignment-L-ext)
                           (interval-length num-stil-ext-X)))
                ,(* 0.5 (interval-length num-stil-ext-Y)))
              (lineto 0.5
                ,(* 0.5 (interval-length num-stil-ext-Y)))
              (rlineto 0.0 -1.0))))
          (bracket-L (grob-interpret-markup grob bracket-L))
          (bracket-R (grob-interpret-markup grob bracket-R))
          (num (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge num X LEFT bracket-L 0.4))
          (num (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge num X RIGHT bracket-R 0.4)))

  \new Voice = "notes" {
    \relative c'' {
      \time 3/4
      \override Staff.MeasureCounter.font-encoding = #'latin1
      \override Staff.MeasureCounter.font-size = 0
      \override Staff.MeasureCounter.stencil =
      #(lambda (grob) (test-stencil grob #{ \markup \italic "Safety" #} ))
      \once \override Staff.MeasureCounter.count-from = 3
      \override Staff.DynamicLineSpanner.padding = 2
      \repeat volta 1 {
        a4 g f
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "notes" {
    He had this

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Measure_counter_engraver

<<attachment: centered_text_bracket.png>>

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