2013/12/22 Amreg <am....@free.fr>

> Le 21/12/2013 19:31, Federico Bruni a écrit :
>  2013/12/20 Amreg <am....@free.fr <mailto:am....@free.fr>>
>>     Example below (tested in 2.16, but should behave the same in 2.17.x) :
>> No, it works as you expect on 2.17.x
> Ok, thank you for the answer, I've just to get an 2.17.x release (which
> implies installing git, etc...) or maybe wait for upcoming 2.18  ;-).
Binaries of the development versions are available on lilypond.org:

Installing these packages is pretty easy. Version 2.17.97 is a release

> BTW, any idea on the second issue in my mail (the possibility, even as an
> option, to get rid of unwanted chord repeat at each and every line
> beginning, even when there is no chord change) ?

I can't help you, that's why replying to the list is highly recommended ;-)
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