Merry Christmas, if anyone is out there today.

I'm trying to squeeze a piece onto a single page, and I'm fussing with stem
direction to control the height of the lines. I got the song to fit on a page,
except there are few note/beam clashes (see example below). Is there a way to
manually raise the beam to prevent the note clash. It's not going to look
pretty, but its more important to prevent page flipping.

\version "2.16.0"

melody = \relative c' {
 \time 3/4
        << { \stemUp e2 e4 } \\ { \stemDown s2 \shiftOn e,4 } \\ { \stemDown s4 
g4 s4 } \\ { \oneVoice \stemDown e'8 [ c ] \stemUp g [ c ] \stemDown e c } >> | 
        << { \stemDown \shiftOn f,2. } \\ { \stemUp f'2 f4 } \\ { } \\ { 
\oneVoice \stemDown f8 [ d ] b [ d ] \stemDown f d } >> |

\score {
                \context Voice {
                        \clef "treble_8"
} % score

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