2013/12/30 Tom Cloyd <tomcloydm...@gmail.com>

> Now that Ly 2.18.0 is out, those of us who use Frescobaldi need to update
> the manuals it refers to in its Documentation Browser tab.
> Nowhere can I find instructions for how to do that. In the Preferences
> modal window it is possible to indicate a path to "the documentation", but
> that documentation comes in multiple forms, so I'm at a fork in the road
> with no map. What does Frescobaldi need?
Frescobaldi needs just a new location for the 2.18  doc.
The quickest way is using the new online url:

You may need updating the documentation browser with Ctrl+R.

If you want to use the offline documentation, type this command (suggested
in the download page):

sh lilypond-2.18.0-OS-TYPE.sh --help

and you'll see an option to download the documentation.

> I'll probably be able to figure it out, but I've been messing with
> Lilypond for years. Newbies (and often me, too!) need explicit instructions.
> Secondly, the menu item Help > About Frescobaldi > Version function
> display a very nice summary of the versions of various program
> components/dependencies...with one glaring exception: the Lilypond version
> it will use on the next compile. It wasn't until I started reading through
> the Preferences window that I could see that after updating Lilypond to
> 2.18.0 Frescobaldi automatically knew about the update. Maybe this
> obscurity could be made less obscure.
I think that at startup Frescobaldi checks the lilypond versions installed
on the system.
The about window can't guess what version of lilypond you have installed,
it's up to you!

There are some ideas about automatic download of lilypond:

> Beyond that: I've become a Frescobaldi addict. What a lovely piece of
> genuinely useful software. We are so fortunate to have this fine resource,
> on top of the marvelous Ly! Profound thanks to all involved....

+1 ;-)
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