Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> writes:

> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> schrieb:
>>Colin Tennyson <colintenny...@outlook.com> writes:
>>> The LillyPond parser accepts this, there is no error, and the score
>>> rendered correctly_.
>>> But as you point out:
>>>  this:
>>> << \addKey \staffOneNotes >>
>>> is better written as:
>>> { \addKey \staffOneNotes }
>>> While the { ... } notation is better, LilyPond accepts both: {
>>> \staffTwoNotes } and << \addKey \staffTwoNotes >>.  In this case both
>>> rendered the same.
>>But that's not a given.  Take, for example, the output of
>>Also, if you have something like
>>\new StaffGroup
>>   << \key c\major { c' c' c' c' } >>
>>you'll likely be surprised by the results...
> Colin, your example works because you have exactly one music
> expression inside the angled brackets.

\addKey \staffOneNotes are _two_ music expressions.  I used exactly the
same template for demonstrating things that don't work.

> These let you enter multiple expressions that are interpreted in
> parallel. And if there is just one expression inside it just does
> nothing.

But that's not what we had here.

David Kastrup

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