Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> writes:

> On Jan 7, 2014, at 10:00 AM, Francois Planiol <alicuota...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Own the future engraving music... who will believe this crap?
>> :-o
> Lots of people.  It’s not a conscious belief, more of an unconscious
> one.  That’s the goal of marketing.  It’s too bad that Finale output
> tends to look so crappy.
> Maybe Lilypond’s slogan ought to be: “Music engraving that actually
> looks good."

Three tailors had their shops side by side in the same street.  One day,
the first tailor set up a big sign "Mack, the best tailor in the
country".  The next day, the second tailor set up a sign, "Mick, the
best tailor in the world".  On the third day, the third tailor set up a
sign, and it was "Muck, the best tailor in the street".

David Kastrup

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