Frescobaldi's musicxml export is still in an early stage of development so I will not try to mail a list with all things that fail or don't work yet. But I do want to report two little things.

1. It does not seem to know that Lilypond uses a default of 4/4 when no timesignature is given.

% minimal example
\version "2.18.0"
% gives an error when trying to export musicxml

% minimal example
\version "2.18.0"
{\time 4/4 c'}
% works correctly

2. It does not interpret the new \relative syntax correctly

% minimal example
\version "2.18.0"
\relative {\time 4/4 d' e f g}
% gives VERY strange musicxml export result. Try it: export as musicxml, % import the result, and you will see what I mean



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