Hi all,

could someone else please look at this thread and try and help him out?
This looks like a scheme backtrace, but that’s all I can say. Is
something wrong with the Century Schoolbook L font installation or what
could help here? (It was an upgrade to 2.18 [see previous mails] so to
my understanding the font should not have changed.)


> [C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/CenturySchL-Bold.otf]
> [C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/CenturySchL-Roma.otf]
> [C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ps/music-drawing-routines.ps]
> [C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ps/lilyponddefs.ps]
> C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scmBacktrace:
> In C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
>  959:  2* [lilypond-all ("test.ly")]
>  972:  3  (let* ((failed #) (separate-logs #) (ping-log #) ...) (gc) ...)
>  984:  4* [for-each #<procedure #f (x)> ("test.ly")]
> In unknown file:
>    ?:  5* [#<procedure #f (x)> "test.ly"]
> In C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
>  986:  6* (let* (# # #) (if separate-logs #) (if ping-log #) ...)
>  997:  7* [lilypond-file #<procedure #f (key failed-file)> "test.ly"]
> 1032:  8  [catch ly-file-failed #<procedure #f ()> #<procedure #f (x .
> args)>]
> In unknown file:
>    ?:  9* [#<procedure #f ()>]
> In C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
> 1033: 10* [ly:parse-file "test.ly"]
> In C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:
>   53: 11* (let* ((book-handler #)) (cond (# #) (# #)))
>   56: 12  (cond (# #) (# #))
> In C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:
>     ...
>  242: 13  [ly:book-process #<Book> #< Output_def> #< Output_def> "test"]
> In unknown file:
>    ?: 14* [output-framework "test" #<Paper_book> (#<module 47b4960>) ()]
> In C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:
>  444: 15* (let* (# # # # ...) (if # #) (if # #) ...)
>  470: 16* [for-each #<procedure #f (page)> (#<Stencil >)]
> In unknown file:
>    ?: 17* [#<procedure #f (page)> #<Stencil  >]
> In C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:
>  473: 18* [dump-page #<Paper_outputter> #<Stencil  > 1 1 #f]
>  102: 19* [ly:outputter-dump-stencil #<Paper_outputter> #<Stencil  >]
> In unknown file:
>    ?: 20* [placebox 5.69055118110236 -2.84527559055118 ...
>    ?: 21* [glyph-string #<Font_metric (#f . 1.0)> "CenturySchL-Roma" ...]
> <unnamed port>: In procedure glyph-string in expression (glyph-string
> #<Font_metric (#f . 1.0)> "CenturySchL-Roma" ...):
> <unnamed port>: Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure glyph-string
> (postscript-font-name size cid? w-x-y-named-glyphs)>

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