----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Bailey" <si...@bailey.at>
To: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:20 AM
Subject: 64-bit font problems in GUB


I kicked this thread off last week sometime:
TL/DR summary: ligatures were not being shown for lilypond-generated output.

further investigation led me to:

TL/DR summary: GUB lilypond packages for 32-bit show ligatures, 64-bit
packages do not.
I verified this on a stock fedora 20 installation using the 2.18.0
packages downloaded from lilypond.org. the Mac OSX packages
distributed through lilypond.org also show the same behaviour, i.e. no
ligatures. for testing purposes, i have also verified this behaviour
with the latest 2.19.1 releases.

I followed these instructions:
(adapting them somewhat for more modern builds and interpolating with
INSTALL.txt -- removed the kpathsea options, had to install some extra
after building lilypond (showing version 2.19.2) on my mac, using the
font libraries installed by MacPorts, ligatures are shown.

I will build lilypond from source on my linux box later today; I
expect the bevaviour to be the same as on OS X -- i.e. the ligatures
will work.

This leads me to conclude that there seems to be a problem with the
64-bit version of the font libraries in the build system for the
release packages. Can anyone comment on this? Should I forward this
information to the bug list?


Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

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