Hi Joram & all,

Firstly: i apologize for the delay.  I'm really failing hard with
managing LilyPond stuff :(

2014-01-21 Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de>:
> Hi all,
> I have a set of overrides for ClefModifiers. Perhaps they are
> interesting for some people on this list (a) and perhaps also as a
> contribution to the discussion (b) of issues 3186 and 3310:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3186
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3310
> a) for personal use: You probably have only one of those modifiers per
> staff and you can just choose the matching override, if you like it.

Oh my!  You really put much work into this, i'm impressed!

> Here is what that looks like. First the LilyPond defaults, in the second
> line only these moved positions and in the third line combined with a
> bold italic font (which makes the line thickness more consistent with
> the clef itself and looks more like a single combined glyph).

I agree that the bold font makes much more sense.

> b) as part of these issues: It is not an automated way and therefore
> probably not much help in solving these issues. But perhaps it can help
> in the discussion where the numbers should be placed.
> My "algorithm" to find the positions was like this:
> - horizontally centred on the highest/lowest curve of the glyph
>   (with two exceptions: for the alto clef, I chose the round part to
>   centre it on; for the bass clef the numbers are touching the clef
>   from the lower right side.)
> - the vertical position is as close as possible to the clef (even
>   slightly overlapping) and not necessarily outside the staff lines.

I don't quite like the overlap, but i agree that the numbers shouldn't
stay outside staff line for bass clef.

> Are the glyph shapes available during the automatic positioning? Such
> that these top and bottom parts of the glyphs could be used for positioning?

That would be possible, but i think it would be too much work.

> Is this worth appending to issue 3186?

Definitely!  I added it.


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