Why does this segment go wrong in the second alternative?   Is it to do with 
the "partial"?   I've tried all sorts of things!

   \version "2.16.2"
\header { poet = \markup { \huge "  " }
                composer = "  "
                 arranger = " "}
melody = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \key b \minor
  \time 6/8
\repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*1 cis'8  b fis' b, a' b, fis' b, a' b, fis' e cis 
a cis a e' cis fis e a fis e cis a b fis' b, a' b, fis' b, a' b, fis' e cis |}
\alternative {
  {  a a' fis  e cis a  b4.~b4  | }
  {  a'8 g fis  e d cis  b4.~b4  | }
}\bar "."
  \new Staff \melody
      \layout {%indent = #0
  \context {
    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
  \midi { }
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