Hi All

To add some harp-symbols I have defined some lines like this:

ziehenI = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "1" }
ziehenII = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "2" }
ziehenIII = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "3" }
blasenI = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "1" }
blasenII = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "2" }
blasenIII = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "3" }

Now I can use them like
c4^\blasenI d4^\ziehenI

But this lets twist the symbols in the hight.

An other idea is to use the symbols like lyrics:

Oben = \lyricmode {
   \blasenI \ziehenI
This works fine, all symbols are shown in one line.

But this does not work if the notation containes parenthis like
 c4( d4)
Then only one symbol is shown obove.

Here is a complete example:


May be someone has a better idea or there is a function for ignoring the 
parenthis in
\lyricmode {}?
At the moment I have workaround this as:

  \ziehenV \blasenIII \blasenIII 
     \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "3"
               \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "4"

Regards, Frank

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