> Can you please post what you have achieved so far? It's hard to guess
> without seeing your code.
> Marc

Sorry for the slow reply.  A small example of what I am trying follows:

#(define-markup-command (sus layout props args) (markup-list?)
   (interpret-markup layout props
     \markup \concat {
       \fontsize #-2 \number #(car args)
       \raise #0.7 \draw-line #(cons (cddr args) 0)
       \fontsize #-2 \number #(cadr args)

This will produce an error since the \draw-line function needs a
number? and not a markup? If I change the data type to a list of
numbers instead of a list of markups I end up with the opposite
problem (i.e. the \draw-line is ok but not the other parts of the
function). I can work around this by specifying three arguments
separately, like this:

#(define-markup-command (sus layout props arga argb argc) (markup?
markup? number?)
   (interpret-markup layout props
     \markup \concat {
       \fontsize #-2 \number #arga
       \raise #0.7 \draw-line #(cons argc 0)
       \fontsize #-2 \number #argb

But this makes the input in the file look a bit strange, and I want to
extend this function so that I will be able to draw columns of figures
as well.

Maybe I'm going about this all the wrong way?

Thank you in advance,

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