On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:50 AM, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> There are very few out there who are pushing her farther, or promoting her 
> more enthusiastically, than I.

Hi Kieren,
(at least) two can play this game :-)

> All we would need — as I’ve suggested many times in the past — is a setting 
> which said “this grob can move left/right/up/down to avoid collisions”

That would be neat, indeed. Another thing I've found myself wishing
for (which remotely relates to your specific example), would be the
ability to automatically tilt (within limits) hairpin spanners, so
that the dynamic at the end stays a bit closer to the staff.

And another thing -- totally unrelated this time -- I've been wishing
for, would be that the determination of stem direction would be made
more intelligent and context-aware; for example the following example
would look a tad better if all the stems were printed upwards:
\relative c' {
  g' a b a g8 a b a g2
(I'll be adding that to the tracker if I'm told there's something that
can reasonably be expected here.)


<<attachment: toto.preview.png>>

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