I'm stuck trying to typeset this ending measure.  I'm using the \tieWaitForNote 
function but I have a staff change part way into a beamed tuplet, which I don't 
how to tie to a cross-staff chord.  Snippet trial below and image of the source 
attached.  Help is appreciated!  (Ref: Chopin 28.1)

\version "2.18.0"
upper = \relative c {
\time 2/8
\change Staff = "lower"
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\tuplet 3/2 {
      e16~  g_~  
      \change Staff = "upper" c %~  %cannot add tie here, error
 \change Staff = "lower"
 <e, g  %{ Need to change to upper staff here %}  c e >4

lower = \relative c, {
\time 2/8
\clef bass 
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\tuplet 3/2 { c16_~ g'~  c_~  } s8
< c, g' c >4

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  \layout { }

<<attachment: Selection_010.png>>

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