2014-03-04 10:46 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:

>> Not sure, if the list picking is really save.
> It should likely test that this is indeed a \line markup rather than
> just dissecting anything.  While separating out \line seems a bit
> one-sided, \line _is_ special in that \markup { a b c } implicitly
> engages \line anyway.  So it seems like a defensible choice.

I think apart from some border-cases, fromproperty-markup needs to be
special-cased, because it's argument is a symbol which is looked up in
the property settings.

Below the revised code, several comments and questions inline.
Comments, hints, tests are highly apreciated.

\version "2.19.1"

#(define-markup-list-command (line-parts layout props args)(markup-list?)
  (let* ((fromproperty-markup?
            (lambda (m) (if (procedure? m)
                        (eq? 'fromproperty-markup (procedure-name m))
            (lambda (m) (if (procedure? m)
                            (eq? 'line-markup (procedure-name m))
         (arg (if (not (null? args)) (car args))))

      ;; deal with an empty markup-list:
      ((null? args) (list empty-stencil))
      ;; what to do, if (car arg) is not fromproperty/line-markup:
      ((and (not (null? arg)) ;; hmm, can arg ever be null?
            (not (fromproperty-markup? (car arg)))
            (not (line-markup? (car arg))))
       (interpret-markup-list layout props args))
      ;; fromproperty-markup needs to be special-cased, because it's argument
      ;; is not a line-markup, but a symbol, looked up in props.
      ;; hmm, do I need to do:
      ;;    (cons
      ;;       (list (cons symbol `(,property-recursive-markup ,symbol)))
      ;;       props)
      ;; again? (it's already done in fromproperty-def)
      ((and (not (null? arg)) ;; hmm, can arg ever be null?
            (fromproperty-markup? (car arg))
            ;; hmm, is the next line superfluous?
            (not (null? (chain-assoc-get (last arg) props))))
       (interpret-markup-list layout props
            (last (chain-assoc-get (last arg) props))))
      ;; what to do with a line-markup:
      ((and (not (null? arg)) (line-markup? (car arg)))
       (interpret-markup-list layout props (last arg)))
      ;; in any other case return empty-stencil.
      ;; hmm, are other cases thinkable at all?
      (else (list empty-stencil)))))


\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup =
  \column {
    \fill-line { \bold \fontsize #4 \fromproperty #'header:dedication }
    \vspace #2
    \fontsize #5
    \fill-line { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:title } }
    \fill-line {
      \abs-fontsize #12
      \center-column { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:meter } }

 oddHeaderMarkup =
   \column {
     \abs-fontsize #12
     \fill-line {
         \center-column {
           \bold \fontsize #4 "page-header-test"
           \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:title }
           \fromproperty #'header:meter

\header {
  dedication = "TESTING BOOKTITLE"
  title = \markup { "Aaa" "Bbb" "Ccc" }
  meter = \markup {
         \line { \with-color #red \rotate #3 "Crazy" }
         \line { \rotate #-3 "Whatever" }

  \column { \vspace #2 \box \bold \fontsize #4 "testing toplevel markups:" }

testOne = \markup { \fontsize #4 "X|X" \italic "YyyyY" \column { a b } }

%% The following two markups should return the same output:
  \box {
    \line {
      \line-parts { \fontsize #4 "X|X" \italic "YyyyY" \column { a b } }
\markup \box { \line { \line-parts { \testOne } } }

%% Testing some use-cases:
\markup \box { \fill-line { \line-parts { \testOne } } }
\markup \box { \center-column { \line-parts { \testOne } } }

%% Should not give an error:
\markup \line { \line-parts {  } }


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