(1) how can I get a certain field to break across two (or more) lines?


\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  copyright = "Copyright © 2003 by composer-name. For all countries. All
rights reserved. "

(2) I'd like to force more space (one or more blank lines) between the
header and the start of the score

\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  copyright = "Copyright © 2003 by composer-name. For all countries. All
rights reserved. "

\score {

 \relative c' {

} }

(3) having some trouble with polyphony. What I'd like to do is to have on
the first note the stems going both up and down, and on the succeeding
notes, the higher notes with the stems pointing up and the lower notes
having stems pointing down. Presently, I have both notes on one stem in the
following snippet,

\score {

\relative c' {

\time 4/4 R1 \! |

r2 r4 d \( | \time 2/4 < d' g, >\f < bf d, > | \time 4/4 < f bf, >2\> \)
r2\! |

} }

(4) would like to figure out how to get a tempo marking of  quarter note =
c. 120 as an example.

(5) I am looking for a  way to get the markup to left-align with the tempo
marking, but am not sure how to do it....

\score {

 \relative c' {

\tempo "Lento Lontano, e molto legato"


\time 4/4

r2^\markup { \bold "Chorale-like" } r4 f\pp\( |


Thanks! I've rediscovered LilyPond after an absence of a few years...
Mike Dean
lilypond-user mailing list

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