On Tue, 2014-03-25 at 09:07 +0100, Alexander Kobel wrote:
> On 03/25/2014 01:10 AM, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> > The following is completely off-topic, but I’d like to share some
> > observations I often make and thoughts I have and ask for your opinion:
> Hi Simon,
> just a few random thoughts to your remarks; I'll try to keep it short.
> > – For what I know of best practice in typography, it is normally
> > unnecessary to use slurs for indicating melismata. [...]
> This discussion popped up several times already.  IIRC, we always agreed 
> not to agree:  Singers of old (in particular, Renaissance) music expect 
> that there are long melismata all over a piece, and prefer not to have 
> huge slurs in their scores.  Singers of more modern music, where 
> melismata often are only a few notes, prefer slurs.  I -- as a singer 
> familiar with both -- am confused whenever a piece of one epoch uses the 
> style of the other.
> > – The default Denemo output reflects the now common, but faulty practice
> > of writing syl- la- ble instead of syl - la - ble  [...]
> Ugh.  Ugly, but Denemo's fault.

the Denemo user's fault (me, in this case), it would seem I should have
written -- instead of - attached ... ignorance (sigh!).

>   Do they have an internal representation 
> of "proper" hyphens?  I cannot imagine that the person who wrote the 
> exporter is so unfamiliar with LilyPond's syntax to mix that up.

it is simpler than that - you type in lyrics as LilyPond syntax
(more-or-less, I think).
> > – In order to increase legibility and clarity it’s also much advisable
> > to use at least one StaffGroup, [...]
> Sure.  Again, Denemo's fault (or the user didn't specify it).

The second of these, the user of Denemo, (me), rather than Denemo which
supports the braces quite extensively. (If I had started from a template
it would have had some braces, no doubt).


>   At least 
> not Lily's.
> Just my two Satoshi...
> Best,
> Alexander

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