Thanks, that's clarifying. Abs confirming that my model's notation is "correct".

David Stephen Grant <> schrieb am 27.03.2014:
>Elaine Gould writes: "Grace notes sounding on the beat should always be
>placed after the barline. However, a group of three or more grace notes
>sounding before the beat may go before the barline so that the first
>of the following bar is not pushed too far from the barline." (Behind
>p. 127). However, to avoid ambiguity it is recommended to specify how
>grace notes should be performed, eg. "All grace notes to be performed
>before/on the beat". As for slurs, she advises slurring to the
>measured value provided that this is the intended articulation. Kurt
>(Music Notation in the Twentieth Century, p. 22) seems to recommend
>omitting the slur entirely, and adding a staccato dot if the grace
>should be detached.
>On 27 March 2014 18:22, Urs Liska <> wrote:
>> Is that really true? I've seen this notation regularly. What the
>> seem to intend - and what is easily understood - is that the slur
>> that the grpup logically belongs to the _next_ note while the
>> before the barline tells to okay _before_ the beat.
>> David Raleigh Arnold <> schrieb am 27.03.2014:
>>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:16:51 +0100
>>> Urs Liska <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>> consider the attached image.
>>>> Apart from the problematic slur which I don't want to deal with
>>>> right now, how can I typeset the acciaccatura _before_ the
>>>> barline.
>>>> I was thinking of hacking something with \afterGrace, but
>>>> that's not what it is.
>>> But that is what it is. The legatura (slur) should attach to a
>>> previous something in the previous measure if
>>> you want the grace before the beat. If that is not what
>>> you mean, omit the legatura and just use small notes. What
>>> you want would have notes before the beat which the legatura
>>> mark indicates to be played on the beat. That is a
>>> self-contradiction, and therefore ambiguous.
>>> Regards, Rale
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