On Sun, Apr 06, 2014 at 08:49:50AM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com> writes:
> > Now how can I write a clarinet part that goes back and forth 
> > between Bb and A and get the cues transposed correcly?
> <URL:http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/displaying-pitches#index-transposition_002c-instrument>
> Second example.

My apologies for poor statement of the question!  The above I am quite 
familiar with.

I think your answer to my previous question about transposing cues 
will solve my problem with some work on my part.  The following 
modification of the documented example may or may not illustrate my 
need.  I actually now have an untransposed (concert pitch) 
clarinet part with cues that I want to make into a clarinet part where 
each section can be played on the clarinet that is easiest.

\version "2.19.3"

flute = \relative c'' {
  \key f \major
  \cueDuring #"clarinet" #DOWN {
    R1 _\markup\tiny "clarinet"
    c4 f e d
    R1 _\markup\tiny "clarinet"
    c4 f e d 
\addQuote flute \flute 
clarinetA = \relative c'' {
  \key aes \major
  \transposition a
  aes4 bes c des
%  <>^\markup { muta in B\flat }
  \cueDuring flute #up R1 
clarinetB = \relative c'' {
  \key g \major
  \transposition bes
  d2 g,
  \cueDuring flute #up R1 
clarinet = { \clarinetA \transpose a bes \clarinetB } 
\addQuote "clarinet" \clarinet
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Flute" }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Cl (A)" }

The last flute cue is not transposed correctly which I guess 
is answered by your previous answer.


> -- 
> David Kastrup

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