Michael Welsh Duggan wrote Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:18 AM

> I'm trying to produce a score which contains choir staffs interspersed
> with solo staffs.  I've tried the included, but my naive attempt isn't
> working.

The way to do this is not obvious, and the manuals don't give much
help.  The key is to lay out the solo staves and choir staves as you
would if they all contained notes throughout.  Then place rests where
the various parts are silent.  Then use 

  \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty = ##t
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t  % optionally

in the ChoirStaff and each of the solo staves to remove staves from
systems where they are empty.  Judicious use of manual breaks can
improve the layout.

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