2014-05-01 18:20 GMT+02:00 Rob <brotherha...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I'd like to find a way to force a bar line to be drawn at the start of a
> stave, after a \break.

Hi Rob,

Try :
\version "2.18.2"

kick = \drummode {

   \bar ":|.|:" %{this is in to ensure the first line starts with a repeat

   bd4 s4 bd4 s4

   bd4 s4 bd4 s4 \bar ":|.|:"

   r16 bd16 r16 r16 s4 r16 bd16 r8 s4 \break

   \bar "|"

   r16 bd8 r16 s4 r16 bd8. s4 \bar ":|.|:"


\score {

   \new StaffGroup <<

     \override Score.SystemStartBar.collapse-height = #1

     \new DrumStaff

     \new DrumVoice {

       \voiceTwo \kick



   \layout {

     \context {


         \omit SystemStartBracket



following removes clefs and time signatures to illustrate lack of bar

line at start of bar4

 With v2.18 you can use :


     \context {


       \omit TimeSignature

       \omit Clef


     ragged-last = ##t



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