Am 04.05.2014 01:49, schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:
2014-05-04 1:38 GMT+02:00 Martin Tarenskeen <>:

On Sat, 3 May 2014, Urs Liska wrote:

  > > >   There is just one important thing that I couldn't read in
   handwriting. It's overstroken by Schumann and in that typical 19th
   century German handwriting. But maybe someone in this group is
able > > >   to
   read it. See attachment.

   Maybe something like "Für ganz Kleine:"?
  Would make sense in the context of op. 68, but I really can't read the

I like that one. Until someone comes up with a better idea I'll use that

I have attached the tune (.pdf and .ly).

Thanks Martin.
I'm pretty sure that the last letter  is an "r"... I've tried to clean your
image, see enclosed.

The second-to-last is most probably an "n" - compare with the second-to-last character of the second word.

Then we have a clear "i" dot before that.

With the "r" I'm not 100% sure - although I admit this looks quite convincing. The "r" in "Für" has a first stroke that is more distinct than in that last character. Believe it or not, I can well imagine that the last and the fourth-to-last characters are both "e"s.

I'd like to know what that stroke above/between the first two characters of the last word is. Just an arbitrary stroke? Or an apostrophe separating a letter and a word?



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