Knute Snortum wrote
> This post is mostly for me to discover whether there's a better way to do
> what I'm doing.
> ...
> My questions are these: 1) is there a better way to do this other than
> suppressing a warning, and 2) since it doesn't look like there are
> clashing
> note columns, what is the warning telling me exactly?
> Knute Snortum


I played with your snippet a little and I think I've got the answer to your
second question. Let's change the ef-chord to a half-note chord so it has a
stem and take away the \stemUp from the acciaccatura so we can see what's
really going on ('cause, in theory and my experience, you should be able to
do what you tried by using the voicing syntax and only needing to change the
stem direction of the acciaccatura):

\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

\relative c {
  \clef bass
  \time 2/2
    { <g g'>2 ( <d d'>4 <c c'> ) }
    { \acciaccatura { <ef, ef'>8 } <ef ef'>2 }

This exposes where the clashing note column is coming from (i.e., the
ef-chord's stem is also pointing upwards):


Now, this doesn't make sense to me, because in scores that I've done, using
the << {}\\{} >> syntax for voicing usually changes stem direction for me,
but as you can see in the above image, the ef-chord in the second voice is
most certainly pointing upwards, not downwards like the acciaccatura. This
leads me to question if something behind grace-like notes is causing the
second voice to revert to voiceOne, because if I manually put \voiceTwo
after the acciaccatura like this:

\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

\relative c {
  \clef bass
  \time 2/2
    { <g g'>2 ( <d d'>4 <c c'> ) }
    { \acciaccatura { <ef, ef'>8 } \voiceTwo <ef ef'>2 }

Then the clashing-notecolumn warning disappears, as we would expect:


You can then change the acciaccatura stem direction and the ef-chord back to
whole notes like you had it originally without any problems:


My question: Is this a bug? Why does the voicing get reverted after the


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